This is only one of a number of websites I run. Please feel free to visit my other websites.
chessKIDS academy is an internationally renowned website pioneering the interactive teaching
of chess to children.
Features include a complete interactive course of lessons taking children from learning the moves through to adult club standard,
many quizzes and video games, five computer programs to play against and very much else.
There is also a lot of advice for parents and teachers.
If you are interested please spend a few hours browsing the site yourself before letting your kids loose on it.
In Spring 2013 I sold the original domain,, to the people who run and
There are now two versions of the site. is a slimmed-down version
without the subversive humour and metaphors of the original. is the
original version.
I also set up various micro-sites from time to time to publicize specific products and services.
Details will appear here as and when appropriate.