"Despite being a strong player who is professionally involved in chess,
at one time I was clueless when it came to teaching chess to a young beginner,
in this case my own son! It was only after getting insights from Richard James,
an expert in the field, that the fog started to clear."
Nigel Davies
(International Grandmaster)
Photo copyright
Ron Zwiers
"I first represented Scotland at primary level, at the age of nine,
but I made some sort of leap when my family moved to London when I was ten years old.
There I met Richard James at the Richmond Junior Chess Club, who introduced me to the
possibility of improving by studying books as well as playing"
Jonathan Rowson (Grandmaster, British Champion 2004-05-06)
"The biggest influence in my chess career has been, without doubt, Richard James,
one of the founders of Richmond Junior Chess Club and the driving force behind it for more than 30 years.
He has inspired generations of children with his genial manner and unique insight into the way young people think.
I do not think anyone else in chess appreciates the importance of psychology in their teaching
the same way as he does. I, and countless others, owe him so much."
Robert Heaton (2007)